peach slices instagram bio

how to grow instagram followers

Get more Instagram followers with these 10 tips to grow your real audience

Growing your Instagram followers can take time and effort, but here are some strategies that may help:

  1. Post Consistently: Consistently posting high-quality, engaging content is key to building your following on Instagram. Aim to post at least once a day or a few times a week to keep your followers engaged.
  2. Use Relevant Hashtags: Hashtags are a great way to reach new audiences on Instagram. Use relevant and trending hashtags in your posts to increase visibility and attract new followers.
  3. Engage with Your Audience: Engaging with your followers is essential to building a community on Instagram. Respond to comments and messages, and actively seek out new accounts to follow and engage with.
  4. Collaborate with Other Users: Collaborating with other Instagram users in your niche can help you reach new audiences and attract more followers. Participate in shoutouts, guest posts, or influencer campaigns to expand your reach.
  5. Optimize Your Profile: Optimize your profile to make it more appealing to potential followers. Use a high-quality profile picture, write a compelling bio, and make sure to include links to your website or other social media accounts.
  6. Run Contests or Giveaways: Running contests or giveaways is a great way to attract new followers and increase engagement. Make sure to follow Instagram’s guidelines for running promotions and provide clear instructions for how to enter.
  7. Analyze Your Metrics: Use Instagram analytics to track your performance and identify areas for improvement. Analyze your metrics to see what content is performing well and adjust your strategy accordingly.

Remember, growing your Instagram followers takes time and effort. By implementing these strategies and continually improving your content, you can build a thriving community and grow your following on Instagram.

peach slices instagram bio
lush engagement on instagram
ikea promoting instagram on their homepage
#LashEducation hashtag on Instagram

nstagram is the foundation of so many brands’ social presence. The platform is proven to drive traffic, support sales and engage customers.

And that’s why 59% of marketers plan to up their investment in Instagram this year.

But if you’re not thrilled with your Instagram growth and engagement, you’re not alone.

Competition on the platform is fierce as more and more brands get on board. Thing is, taking steps to grow your audience is absolutely worth it. That’s because the bigger your audience, the more opportunities to delight your customers.

Ready to tweak your presence to attract authentic and organic Instagram followers? This post breaks down how to make it happen.

10 ways to increase Instagram followers

Before we get into the nitty-gritty, this post is about building an organic following.

And yes, the distinction matters!

Some brands want to take shortcuts when it comes to trying to get more Instagram followers. We don’t pretend that pay-for-play sites exist.

That said, these services aren’t worth it for brands long-term. The Instagram algorithm weeds out low-quality accounts and phony engagement from paid bots.

But we’ll bite: there’s definitely some legwork involved in growing your audience authentically.

Doing so it worth totally worth it, though. Below are our ten best tips for getting more Instagram followers the right way.

1. Optimize your Instagram account

Before you worry about how to get followers, consider how your Instagram account is set up first.

Ask yourself: does your profile “look the part?” For starters, consider your:

  • Your Instagram bio (including your slogan, tagline and/or a branded hashtag)
  • Your profile picture
  • Your bio link (and where it points to)

These details define your brand identity on Instagram. More importantly, they impact your account’s discoverability. Building a follower-friendly account means:

  • Having a search-friendly username. Stick to either your brand name or whatever’s closest to your existing social handles. If your name is too long, shorten it to a variation your audience would recognize (ex: Cold Stone Creamery’s account is @coldstone).
  • Making your profile picture professional. An appropriately-sized logo is ideal. Any text in your profile picture should be legible on a smartphone screen.
  • Minding where you point your bio link. This is crucial for turning Instagram followers into meaningful traffic or customers. It’s your only way to funnel social traffic to your site and promotions.

Linking to your homepage is fine but not always ideal. To encourage more meaningful interactions, a social landing page that points to multiple links can help.

This gives your audience total control of how they engage your business next. That means a better experience for your followers.

The best way to optimize your account is to follow a proven Instagram marketing strategy. Download our free guide to get started.

Instagram for Brands: A Guide to Instagram Marketing Strategy

Published on 

2. Keep a consistent content calendar

Momentum matters on Instagram. In other words, you likely won’t get followers on Instagram if you post at random.

Creating content and providing value is what builds your audience. Doing so consistently is what helps you keep them. Don’t let your Instagram account gather cobwebs.

That’s why sticking to a regular posting schedule is crucial.  In terms of when and how much to post, you don’t have to stick to a set-in-stone number. Most brands post daily or near daily. This tracks our own research on how often to post as well.

For reference, below is a breakdown of the best times to post to Instagram.  “Optimal” engagement is during the mid-to-late morning and early afternoons during the week.

If you’re worried about your posts not getting seen enough, we get it. Consider how features like Stories can get more eyes on your content if it wasn’t seen the first time.

3. Schedule Instagram posts in advance

There’s no denying that brands are at the mercy of the Instagram algorithm for reach. Still, posting at the right times can still give your posts more visibility. Anything you can do to maximize engagement is a plus.

This speaks to the value of scheduling Instagram content. With Sprout’s newest tools, brands can schedule Stories, Carousels, Reels and Posts.

Scheduling content in advance ensures control and organization. Instagram scheduling tools ultimately help you hit that cadence we mentioned earlier. The ability to crosspost content from other networks helps here, too.

Schedule Instagram Posts with Sprout

You can also use Sprout’s ViralPost feature to nail down your timing, too. Our platform analyzes your engagement history and identifies the best times to post.

Perfect your Instagram content plan with Sprout Social

In addition to scheduling a complete picture of your Instagram content calendar, Sprout offers even more features to perfect your brand’s feed.

Share IG-approved visuals with your team using our Asset Library, or test out our grid preview feature to make sure every aspect of your presence is true to your brand style.

Get a hands-on look at these features and more with a 30-day free trial of Sprout.

4. Engage with customers, brand advocates and influencers

Figuring out how to get more Instagram followers means engaging your audience.

And one of the best ways to do that is through responding to and republishing their posts.

Enter the power of user-generated content. UGC campaigns build social proof by showing followers you’re invested in them. For example, Drunk Elephant regularly regrams their followers’ posts. They gather content with their #BareWithUs and #DrunkBreak hashtags.

Partnering with influencers with an established following is another way to grow your own audience. Content creators can get your brand in front of your target audience and build ongoing awareness for your products.

5. Avoid fake Instagram followers

There’s a big difference between fake and legitimate followers on Instagram.

We get it, too. For the sake of quick growth, it might be tempting to purchase followers.

But the drawbacks outweigh the benefits 100%. Why? Because fake Instagram followers…

  • Confuse your potential organic followers. An inactive, low-engagement account with a big following is suspicious. This can be a turn-off for fans that’d otherwise follow you and engage.
  • Provide no monetary value to your business. Think about it. Your bot followers can’t buy your stuff, can they? 
  • Generate no buzz: If you have 10,000 fake followers, how many are going to engage with your posts? Does it really even matter if your posts are brimming with spam comments?

Real people have the ability to share, like, comment and engage with your Instagram posts. Additionally, real followers actually appreciate the time you spend interacting with them. 

For example, Lush Cosmetics takes the time to answer questions and engage followers all the time. This results in customers regularly returning to share shout-outs and positive comments.

6. Showcase your Instagram everywhere you can

Don’t be shy about promoting your Instagram if more followers are your goal.

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to promoting your ‘gram, either. Here are a few ideas:

  • Add social media icons to your website and marketing emails. Social media icons make it easier for people to find your business and help you connect with customers.
  • Feature an Instagram feed on your homepage or product pages. Many ecommerce brands have dedicated UGC feeds on-site (see below).
  • Reshare Instagram-specific content or announcements on other social channels. For example, you could talk about an upcoming IG Live via TikTok or Facebook.

7. Post content that followers actually want to see

Easier said than done, we know.

Filters. Captions. Content types. Post times. That doesn’t even scratch the surface.

There are so many variables to consider, right? It doesn’t help that Instagram’s algorithm is fickle. What works for one brand might not work for the next in terms of format and timing.

For example, some brands swear by Carousels. Others are all-in on Reels. Both approaches can work. You’ll quickly find on Instagram that some content performs better than others. This is why testing is so important.

Instagram’s native analytics are surprisingly powerful. That said, investing in Instagram analytics tools will take things to the next level.

For example, Sprout makes it easy to benchmark and analyze Instagram content across accounts. Rather than second-guess what’s working and what’s not, our reporting spells it out for you.

Instagram Competitors Tool Sprout

Be confident in your content strategy by analyzing those variables we mentioned earlier.

And if you’re unsure where to start, try analyzing your competitors. A staggering 90% of brands say that social media data helps them keep up with competing social accounts.

You obviously shouldn’t copycat your competitors. That said, you can take notes on what they’re doing or posting that drives engagement.  Sprout’s Instagram Competitors report can provide a breakdown of what’s working in your industry. A little competitive research can go a long way.

Oh, and keep your ear to the ground with new Instagram trends. That way you won’t miss out on platform-wide opportunities to hop on trending content formats.

For example, Reels are popping off right now. Our data shows that 66% of consumers want to see more short-form videos from brands. In terms of trends, Reels should be on your radar.

Example of brand posting Instagram Reels

8. Make meaningful conversation with your audience

Food for thought: 60% of marketers use Instagram as a service channel.

The platform is perfect for going back and forth with followers. Likewise, many popular post ideas center around asking questions and engaging in a dialogue for a reason.

Off-the-cuff questions, shipping concerns or praise for products are all fair game from followers. Check out how Cometeer responds to all of the above on their Instagram posts:

cometeer responding to Instagram followers
cometeer responding to Instagram followers

Being supportive and responding promptly shows people that you care.

You’d be surprised at how your Instagram followers increase once you start acting more personable. Our Index research shows that 89% of consumers will buy from a brand after following them on social. Every interaction counts.

Again, try to respond to as many questions or comments as possible. Doing so could make or break someone becoming a long-term follower or a customer.

9. Find hashtags where your followers hang out

Instagram hashtags have been a staple of the platform, like, forever.

That said, they don’t hold as much weight as they used to.

Dumping hashtags into your posts isn’t going to net you any new followers. Especially when there’s so much noise on the platform.

Be proactive by focusing on industry-specific hashtags relevant to your customers. For example, Lashify regularly posts content to the #LashEducation hashtag. Tags are less general and competitive than #beauty. Becoming more visible within these types of tags is meaningful for brands in the right niche.

Understanding how your hashtags perform on Instagram is critical. With Sprout Social’s hashtag analytics tools, you have direct access to in-depth performance and usage data. Figuring out which hashtags to use is just a few taps away.

Instagram hashtag analytics with Sprout

10. Take steps to delight your Instagram followers

When you make your Instagram followers happy, you’ll see the payoff in audience growth. The best Instagram accounts have fans and communities (hint: not just followers).

The tips below are the building blocks for a follower-friendly account. Put them into practice in a way that aligns with your brand voice and values. Avoid coming across as needy,  solesy sales-driven or robotic at all costs.

So much of how to get Instagram followers for free is about creating an authentic community. For many accounts, this means building customer relationships. Content that highlights your personality and the humans behind your brand is a plus. This includes:

  • Inspirational content
  • Humorous content
  • Re-sharing UGC with unique captions
  • Storytelling posts
  • Behind-the-scenes photos and videos
  • Posts that raise awareness for social causes

How to get more Instagram followers (the wrong way!)

Disclaimer: Sprout Social does not endorse purchasing Instagram followers. We don’t recommend services that sell followings or “Likes.” 

As the social space becomes more crowded and competitive, brands are willing to take risks for the sake of instant results.

We’ll say it again: brands shouldn’t buy Instagram followers. Nobody should!

Why you shouldn’t buy followers on Instagram

Here are some reasons why buying followers to grow your account is a serious mistake.

Your real followers know what fake followers look like

Social consumers are getting savvier. Privacy concerns and social scammers have made people hyper-aware of weird activity. In short, people today are spam-detectors.

A sudden follower spike is a red flag. Not to mention having bots stink up your account with endless spam followers. This all damages your reputation and keeps you from growing an authentic Instagram following.

Fake followers bring nothing to the table

You’re probably worried about your Instagram metrics and understandably so.

That said, your follower count doesn’t mean much if your “followers” don’t drive engagement. You might look “bigger” at a glance but who cares? Consider how your engagement rate on the platform will suffer if your follower count is inflated.

If nothing else, buying Instagram followers violates TOS

No surprises here.

Consider how Meta has taken direct action against buying engagement in the past. They’ve gone as far as to shut down companies that sell likes. That’s because this practice violates the platform’s terms of service:

Help us stay spam-free by not artificially collecting likes, followers, or shares, posting repetitive comments or content, or repeatedly contacting people for commercial purposes without their consent.

How are you growing your Instagram following?

Listen: getting more followers on Instagram isn’t going to happen by accident.

And despite what you might have heard, there’s no silver bullet solution for making it happen.

The tips above can help you build the foundation for an organic following that actually engages with you. Putting these tips into action is so much easier with a powerful publishing and analytics tool like Sprout.

Want to see our suite of tools in action? Start a free trial today and see for yourself!


how to grow gaming channel

Gaming is a competitive YouTube niche, but there’s still room (and time) for new creators to grow successful channels. All it takes is 11 powerful steps.

Growing a gaming channel on platforms like YouTube or Twitch can be a challenging task, but here are some strategies that may help you:

  1. Consistent and Quality Content: Consistently creating high-quality content is the foundation of a successful gaming channel. Make sure to produce engaging, informative, and entertaining content that appeals to your target audience.
  2. Networking and Collaboration: Networking and collaborating with other gaming creators in your niche can help you reach new audiences and attract more subscribers. Participate in community events, collaborate on videos or streams, and share each other’s content to expand your reach.
  3. Interacting with the Audience: Building a community and engaging with your audience is essential to grow your gaming channel. Make sure to respond to comments, create polls, or chat with your followers during streams to create a more interactive and engaging experience.
  4. Social Media Promotion: Utilize social media platforms like Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook to promote your content and engage with your audience. Share your content, behind-the-scenes footage, and live updates to keep your followers engaged.
  5. Custom Thumbnails and SEO Optimization: Custom thumbnails and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) can help attract viewers to your channel. Create compelling thumbnails that accurately represent your content and optimize your video titles, descriptions, and tags with relevant keywords.
  6. Live Streaming: Streaming can be an excellent way to interact with your audience and create a more engaging experience. Plan your streams in advance, set a schedule, and make sure to interact with your audience during the live stream.
  7. Continuously Improve: Analyze your content, metrics, and user feedback to identify areas for improvement. Continuously evolving your content and strategy can help you create a more engaging experience for your audience and grow your channel.

Remember, growing a gaming channel takes time and effort, but by implementing these strategies and continually improving your content, you can build a thriving community and grow your gaming channel.

Starting a gaming YouTube channel is no easy feat. Millions of people play video games in their free time, so naturally, the competition is stiff.

You have famous creators like PewDiePieMumbo Jumbo, and DanTDM dominating the space with billions of YouTube views. The MrBeast Gaming channel has a whopping 25 million subscribers. Beyond that, you have thousands of small channels worldwide to compete with.

That makes it difficult for new creators to stand out, let alone go viral. But that doesn’t mean it’s impossible.

How to Start a Gaming Channel: 11 Killer Tips

Is it worth starting a gaming channel in 2022? We’d say yes. Here’s how to grow your gaming channel fast in 11 powerful steps.

1. Focus On One Game to Grow Your YouTube Channel

It’ll be tempting to play every game you own when you start your YouTube channel. You may upload some Fortnite videos because of the game’s insane popularity. Two weeks later, it may seem like a good idea to sprinkle in some Minecraft content.

But heed our warning, creators. If you want to grow your gaming channel, choose just one game to play on YouTube.

From a technical perspective, this is solid advice. YouTube’s algorithm is sophisticated but seems to reward a simple content strategy. If it knows you’re a gaming creator making videos about Zelda: Breath of the Wild, for instance, it’ll have no problem recommending your videos to like-minded viewers.

Read More: YouTube Gamers – How to Get Your First 1,000 Subscribers

To prove that, we asked the vidIQ community about their gaming experiences. We were happy to learn that in 2020, several creators grew their channels fast while playing one game.

The list includes channels like:

2.  Get the Right Equipment for Your Gaming Channel

What equipment do you need for a gaming YouTube channel? Not much, but a few items will make your videos more enjoyable:

  1. Microphone for YouTube videos: Many gamers add voiceover to their videos, especially when actively playing a game. Invest in quality audio so viewers can follow the action.
  2. Screen-recording software: As you play games, you need software to capture the action on your console (PS5, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, etc.).
  3. Digital camera: This can be a DSLR camera, mirrorless camera, or webcam. You’ll need one to record yourself playing games.
  4. Lighting for YouTube videos: Don’t leave viewers in the dark. Create a well-lit shot if you plan to show your face.
  5. Green screen: Lots of gamers use a green screen for live streaming. It removes the background behind the streamer so only their figure shows up against the gameplay.

3. YouTube Gaming Channel Names: Focus on Keywords

Naming your channel is one of the most important things you’ll do on YouTube. For gamers, the process isn’t that tough. If you follow our first tip (build gaming content around one title), then you have the perfect starting point already: the video game you’re playing.

So what do you want to play? Minecraft? Roblox? Pokémon Go? When you’ve settled on a game, use its title to develop unique YouTube names for your channel.

Example 1: The 100 Percent Zelda channel that posts Zelda gaming tutorials.

Example 2: The Poke Daxi channel that shares Pokémon Go hacks.

Using the name of your game as a YouTube keyword helps your channel rank higher in search results.

Additionally, here are tips for creating good youtube channel names for gaming:

  • Make it easy to spell.
  • Make it easy to remember.
  • Let it reflect the game you play.
  • Make it fewer than 70 characters.
  • Use good keywords.
  • Avoid profanity and offensive language.

4. Avoid the ‘Let’s Play’ Trap

So many gamers love posting let’s play videos. We can’t blame them, either. They’re fun to make and easier to edit than other types of videos.

Read More: How to Reach 1,000 YouTube Subscribers with Gameplay Videos

For example, watch the video below from iJeven. Most lets plays are similar to that one, where the player streams a mission in the game. Some creators split missions into “episodes” to increase their uploads – even if episodic video titles aren’t the best strategy.

But that’s not the biggest problem with let’s plays. The real problem is getting decent views from that type of video.

If you’ve just joined YouTube, it’s unrealistic to expect 200,000 views on a let’s play. Big channels succeed with that plan but not new creators with zero subscribers. No one knows who you are yet.

Most of the time, viewers are searching for specific aspects of a game – not an episode of gameplay. So if you decide to do a let’s play, make the video searchable. Include a tutorial or a hack so you can write a good title for YouTube’s search engine.

5. Join a Gaming Community to Find YouTube Video Ideas

Brainstorming video ideas is the most challenging part of growing on YouTube. But the solution is simple: Don’t try to go it alone. The best way to start a YouTube gaming channel is in the company of other gamers.

Read More4 Honest Reasons Why You’re Running Out of YouTube Video Ideas

To start, try joining an online community like Discord. Find a group centered around the game you play, then pay attention to what people say.

You’ll discover:

  • Significant updates coming to the game
  • Which aspects of the game excite people
  • Questions newcomers have about the game

These three points can lead to exciting video ideas – especially the last one. If newcomers have questions about a game, you can answer via YouTube tutorials.

Also, don’t forget about the gaming communities on Reddit and Steam!

6. Upload Weekly Gaming Videos

Before you create a gaming YouTube channel, make a pact with yourself to upload consistently. You should post at least once a week to build and grow an audience on YouTube.

Why this number? Well, YouTube has gotten good at serving content to the right audience. So whether you post four videos a month or one video a day, YouTube will repeatedly recommend your content.

Don’t burn out by following an insane posting schedule. Go slowly. That way, you’ll understand how YouTube fits into your life, whether that’s striking a balance between school, work, or family time.

7. Make Your Video Introductions Brief and Entertaining

On YouTube, audience retention is everything because low retention sends a negative signal to YouTube’s algorithm. It indicates your video may not deliver on its promise and shouldn’t be recommended over someone else’s.

Read MoreHow to Increase Audience Retention on Every YouTube Video

To ensure this never happens, create a strong introduction for each video. Instead of showing your game’s menu screen as you talk, get to the meat of your content. Move your character(s) around the game’s landscape as you explain the point of today’s video.

The goal is to make it impossible for someone to click away. The title of your video makes a promise to viewers, and you should deliver on that promise early and often.

8. Create Enticing YouTube Thumbnails and Titles

Video titles and thumbnails are what genuinely bring in viewers. They convince people to click on your content, so this powerful pair should be optimized 100% of the time.

A video title isn’t just for display; it can also help you climb YouTube search results. If you can find popular keywords on YouTube that aren’t too competitive, you’ll be one step closer to creating fantastic, click-worthy titles.

But ranking higher on YouTube is half the battle. Once you’ve done that, your video’s thumbnail should encourage more clicks.

Read MoreYouTube Thumbnail Guide – 9 Ways to Boost Click-Through Rate

To do your best in this area, keep the graphic simple but eye-catching. It should be easy for viewers to understand in seconds, like this one:

9. Research Video Topics Before You Press Record

Before you make a video, brainstorm some title options. This may seem weird at first but trust us: You need this hack. You’re better off brainstorming titles and seeing which keywords are popular for that topic.

Read More7 Ways to Discover the Best YouTube Keywords for Your Channel

This plan forces you to make the best video without even knowing it. First, you’ll optimize your content for YouTube’s algorithm by finding valuable keywords. Then you’ll run some YouTube searches to see what other creators posted. All of that research will tell you if the video is worth making.

10. Turn Gaming Trends Into YouTube Videos

A trending topic presents a huge opportunity to get more views on YouTube. You can take advantage of pop culture, holidays, gaming news, or anything that adds something positive (but relevant) to your channel.

And once again, we’ve got a tool for that.

After you’ve downloaded vidIQ, check our most viewed videos tool within the extension. It’s a helpful little gadget that lets you see topics trending in your niche.

In the vidIQ extension, you can quickly access the tool via the real-time stats bar. Here’s what that looks like:

If you click the drop-down menu and select Most Viewed, this window will open in your browser:

When you think you have your next video idea, input some keywords you might rank for in this tool. You may discover that no creators have posted about the topic in months.

Depending on how many views per hour the topic is getting, you may have an opportunity to compete with older videos on YouTube.

11. Experiment with YouTube Shorts

Shorts are for people watching YouTube on their phones. They’re great for making funny videos, brief explainers, or anything that’s not a long, traditional video.

They’re also perfect for the gaming community. YouTube Shorts capture those hilarious, gut-busting moments in a game: a character tumbling off a ledge or random, unexpected glitches. Even when you have nothing funny to share, you can film tutorials.

When you’re ready, post a few Shorts to your YouTube channel. We’ve seen gaming channels grow with this content, and we’re not talking about small spurts here and there. It’s possible to start with a few hundred subscribers and gain 1 million in three months.

Now you know exactly how to start a YouTube gaming channel. To learn more about each tips, watch the video below.

And don’t forget: The best YouTube gaming channels have:

  • Popular keywords
  • A catchy name
  • A strong focus
  • Frequent uploads
  • Attractive thumbnails and titles

how to grow height

Height is largely determined by genetics, which means that it may not be possible to significantly increase your height beyond your genetic potential. However, there are some lifestyle factors that can help you maximize your potential height, including:

  1. Eating a Nutritious Diet: A healthy, balanced diet can help ensure that your body has the nutrients it needs to support growth and development. Focus on eating a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and dairy products.
  2. Getting Regular Exercise: Regular physical activity can help promote bone and muscle growth, which may help you maximize your height potential. Focus on activities that involve weight-bearing exercises, such as running, jumping, and weightlifting.
  3. Getting Enough Sleep: Getting enough sleep is essential for growth and development, as this is when your body produces growth hormone. Aim for at least 8 hours of sleep each night.
  4. Maintaining Good Posture: Good posture can help you appear taller and more confident. Make sure to stand up straight, keep your shoulders back, and hold your head high.
  5. Avoiding Unhealthy Habits: Certain lifestyle factors can stunt growth, such as smoking, alcohol, and drug use. Avoid these habits to ensure that you’re giving your body the best chance to grow to its full potential.

It’s important to remember that height is largely determined by genetics, and there is no guaranteed way to increase your height. However, by focusing on these healthy habits, you can help maximize your potential height and improve your overall health and well-being.

how to grow youtube channel

Growing a YouTube channel involves a combination of different strategies, including:

  1. High-Quality Content: Producing high-quality content that provides value to your target audience is the most important factor in growing your YouTube channel. Your videos should be engaging, informative, and well-produced to keep viewers interested and coming back for more.
  2. SEO Optimization: Optimizing your videos for search engines can help increase visibility and attract more viewers to your channel. This includes conducting keyword research, optimizing your video titles, descriptions, and tags, and using closed captions.
  3. Promotion and Collaboration: Promoting your videos on social media and collaborating with other YouTubers in your niche can help you reach new audiences and attract more subscribers. You can also participate in collaborations, sponsorships, and other forms of cross-promotion.
  4. Engagement: Engaging with your audience through comments, community tab posts, and live streams can help build a loyal community around your channel. Respond to comments and interact with your viewers to build relationships and keep them engaged.
  5. Consistency: Consistently uploading new content to your channel can help build momentum and keep your audience engaged. Develop a content schedule and stick to it to keep your viewers coming back for more.
  6. Analytics: Use YouTube Analytics to track your performance and identify areas for improvement. Analyze your video metrics to see what content is performing well and adjust your strategy accordingly.

Remember that growing a YouTube channel takes time and effort. It’s important to stay committed and consistent in your approach, and always focus on providing value to your viewers. By following these strategies and continually improving your content, you can build a successful and thriving YouTube channel.

how to grow website traffic

Growing website traffic involves a combination of different strategies, including:

  1. Search Engine Optimization (SEO): This involves optimizing your website and its content to rank higher on search engine results pages (SERPs) for relevant keywords. This includes conducting keyword research, optimizing your website’s structure, and producing high-quality, relevant content.
  2. Content Marketing: Producing high-quality content that provides value to your target audience can help attract more visitors to your website. This could include blog posts, videos, infographics, and other forms of content.
  3. Social Media Marketing: Sharing your content on social media can help increase its reach and drive traffic back to your website. You can also use social media advertising to target specific audiences and drive traffic to your website.
  4. Email Marketing: Building an email list and sending regular newsletters and promotions can help drive repeat traffic to your website.
  5. Influencer Marketing: Collaborating with influencers in your niche can help you reach new audiences and drive more traffic to your website.
  6. Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising: Running paid search or display ads can help you reach new audiences and drive traffic to your website.

It’s important to note that these strategies work best when used together in a comprehensive digital marketing strategy. By combining these approaches, you can create a diversified traffic funnel that drives consistent traffic to your website over time.

why pubg is banned in india

PUBG, short for PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds, has been banned in some countries due to concerns over its impact on players, especially young people.

In India, the game was banned in 2020 by the government because it was considered to be addictive and harmful to the physical and mental health of players. The ban was also motivated by concerns about the game’s violent content, which was seen as potentially promoting aggression and desensitization to violence.

Similarly, in other countries, such as Iraq, Jordan, and Nepal, PUBG was also banned or restricted for similar reasons related to addiction, negative impact on mental health, and violent content.

It’s worth noting that in many other countries, PUBG is still widely played and has not been banned or restricted.

PUBG was banned in India in September 2020 by the Indian government along with several other Chinese apps. The ban was imposed under Section 69A of the Information Technology Act, which allows the government to block access to any online content that is deemed to be a threat to national security or public order.

The decision to ban PUBG in India was taken primarily because of concerns about the impact of the game on the mental and physical health of young players. The game was also seen as being highly addictive, which could lead to excessive gaming and neglect of other important activities, such as schoolwork or social interactions.

Additionally, there were concerns about the violent content in the game, which could potentially promote aggressive behavior and desensitization to violence among players, especially impressionable young people.

It’s worth noting that the Indian government has not yet lifted the ban on PUBG, although there have been talks of a potential comeback with a localized version of the game in the country.

how to earn money online

There are many ways to earn money online, such as:

  1. Freelancing on websites like Upwork or Fiverr
  2. Selling products or services on platforms like Etsy or Shopify
  3. Taking surveys or participating in market research studies
  4. Investing in the stock market or cryptocurrency
  5. Creating and monetizing a blog or YouTube channel
  6. Affiliate marketing by promoting other people’s products and earning a commission on sales.

However, it’s important to be aware that earning money online requires time, effort, and dedication. It’s not a quick or easy fix to financial problems, and there are also scams to watch out for. It’s important to do your research and approach opportunities with caution.

what is web hosting

Web hosting is a service that allows individuals and organizations to make their websites accessible via the World Wide Web. This service involves storing the files and data that make up a website on a server, which is then connected to the internet and accessible to users who enter the website’s domain name in their web browser. Web hosting providers offer a range of plans and features to meet the needs of different types of websites, from small personal blogs to large e-commerce sites.

what the uses of internet

The internet has many uses, including:

  1. Communication: The internet enables people to communicate with each other through email, messaging apps, video conferencing, and social media platforms.
  2. Information gathering: The internet provides access to a vast amount of information, including news, research, educational resources, and online libraries.
  3. Entertainment: The internet offers a range of entertainment options, including streaming video and music, online gaming, and social media.
  4. Online shopping: The internet enables people to shop for products and services online, with options for comparison shopping and delivery to their doorstep.
  5. Work and productivity: The internet provides tools for collaboration, remote work, and online productivity, including cloud-based storage, document sharing, and project management.
  6. Education and learning: The internet provides access to educational resources and online courses, allowing people to learn new skills and advance their knowledge.
  7. Social activism: The internet allows people to organize and participate in social and political causes, connect with like-minded individuals, and advocate for change.

These are just a few examples of the many uses of the internet, and there are countless more depending on individual needs and interests.

how to use internet

To use the internet, you need a device such as a computer, smartphone, or tablet, and an internet connection. Here are the basic steps:

  1. Connect your device to the internet using Wi-Fi or an Ethernet cable.
  2. Open a web browser, such as Google Chrome or Safari.
  3. Type a web address (URL) or search term into the address bar and press Enter.
  4. Navigate to different pages by clicking on links or typing new URLs into the address bar.
  5. Use search engines like Google to find information on specific topics.
  6. Use email clients to send and receive emails.
  7. Use messaging apps or social media platforms to communicate with others.
  8. Download and install software, apps, and other digital content from online stores.

There are many other ways to use the internet, and the specific steps will depend on the task you want to accomplish.