Last date for acceptance of applications – 15 Apr 2023.
Last date for acceptance of applications – 15 Apr 2023.
No. EE/Nun 23/NT
Rashtriya Indian Military College,
PIN- 248003
03 Feb 2023
The Secretary (Education / Public Instructions)
All State Governments & UT Administrations (2 Copies)
- The RIMC Entrance Examination for admission of Boys and Girls to Class VIII for the Jan 2024 term
will be held at the specified centers within the country on 03 Jun 2023 (Saturday). The candidates will be
examined in the following subjects: –
S No Subject Maximum Marks
(a) | English Written Paper 125
(b) | Mathematics Written Paper 200
(c) | General Knowledge Written Paper 75
(d) | Viva-voce 50
(Only for candidates who qualify in the
written exam)
Total 450
Eligibility Criterion
- Educational Qualification. The candidate should either be studying in Class VII or passed Class
VII from any recognised school at the time of admission to the RIMC, i.e. on 01 Jan 2024.
- Age. Boys and Girls both are eligible to apply for admission to the RIMC, Dehradun. The
candidate should be in the age bracket of 11% to 13 years as on 01 Jan 2024, i.e., they should not be born
earlier than 02 Jan 2011 and not later than 01 Jul 2012. The applicants should be informed that no
application for change in the date of birth, from that originally given by them would be entertained later by the
college authorities.
Schedule of Examination
- Written Examination. The examination shall be conducted on 03 Jun 2023 (Saturday) as per the
following schedule:-
8 NOo=~.. Subject Time Remarks
“0 ; Mathematics 0930 to 1100 hrs Candidate may answer in Hindi or
polly CY English
(b) | General Knowledge 1200 to 1300 hrs -do-
(c) | English ™ 1430 to 1630 hrs
bE /
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5. Viva-Voce. The viva-voce will be held for only those candidates who qualify the written
exam. The list will be sent to the respective State Governments by the RIMC after approval from HQ ARTRAC.
The date for viva-voce (designed primarily to test the intelligence, personality, & communication skills of
candidates) will be intimated later.
- The wards of Central Government employees can take their exam and viva-voce at the place of posting
of either employee or domicile state, however, their candidature will be considered from their original domicile
state. It is, therefore mandatory for such candidates to get the application deposited in the same state
where the exam has to be taken. - Result. Result will be uploaded on RIMC website Candidates are responsible
to regularly check the website for latest status update. It is mandatory for all the selected candidates to join
RIMC within 10 days, on receipt of the Joining Instructions. Joining Instructions will be sent to email ID as
mentioned in Application Form by the candidates.
Procedure to Obtain Application Forms
- The Prospectus-cum-Application Form and Booklet of Old Question Papers can be obtained from
The Rashtriya Indian Military College, Garhi Cantt, Dehradun, Uttarakhand, Pin- 248003 by following
(a) Online Payment. The Prospectus-cum-Application Form and Booklet of Old Question
Papers can be obtained by making online payment of Rs 600/- for General Candidates & Rs. 555/- for
SC/ST candidates on RIMC website (on receipt of the payment, the Prospectus-
cum-Application Form and Booklet of Old Question Papers will be dispatched by Speed Post only).
(b) By Sending Demand Draft. ~~ The Prospectus-cum-Application Form and Booklet of Old
Question Papers can be obtained by sending a written request with a demand draft of Rs 600/- for
General Candidates & Rs 555/- for SC/ST candidates along with caste certificate in favour of “THE
DEHRADUN, (BANK CODE-01576), UTTARAKHAND. The address should be typed/written clearly in
CAPITAL LETTERS with Pin Code and contact number. RIMC will NOT be responsible for any postal
delay or loss in transit of prospectus caused by illegible or incomplete address. The delay on part of
postal department is not the responsibility of RIMC.
- The Application Form issued by RIMC only shall be valid. Application Forms locally printed/
photocopied and without RIMC Hologram (seal) shall not be accepted. - No refund of the application fee will be done under any condition.
- Documents. Applications are to be submitted in duplicate. The mandatory documents which are
required to be attached with Application Form are as under:-
(a) Birth Certificate (issued by Municipal Corporation/Gram Panchayat).
(b) Domicile Certificate of the candidate.
(c) SC/ST Certificate (where applicable).
certificate from the Principal of the current school in which the candidate is studying,
h attested stating the date of birth (as per the school records) and the class in which the
ing is to be submitted in original.
{ (e Photosapy of Aadhar Card of the Candidate (both sides) is a mandatory requirement failing
{which applichlion | be rejected.
lly i Tig pessport size photographs.
84 oyun CRY
Note: – Application Form should reach the respective State Governments (as given in Guidelines to
Admission) by 15 Apr 2023. Kindly note that Application Form must be sent to the State
Government and not to the Rashtriya Indian Military College, Dehradun, Uttarakhand.
- Conduct of Examination by States /UTs. It is requested that necessary arrangements may
please be made for holding the examination in the States, the name of the officers nominated for conducting
the examination (with telephone, fax numbers and e-mail address) and demand of Question Papers may be
communicated to the Commandant, RIMC, Dehradun by 30 Apr 2023. Adequate Publicity may please be given
regarding this examination in the local newspapers at least twice or thrice through press release before
15 Feb 2023.
1″. Answer books in respect of the candidates along with the Application Form may please be forwarded at
the end of the examination in a sealed cover to the Commandant, RIMC, Dehradun, Uttarakhand, (Pin-
- The viva-voce will be conducted by the State Governments only for those candidates who have
qualified in the written examination on the date which will be intimated later. The constitution of the
selection board is briefly mentioned in Para 8 of the Regulations Governing RIMC and shall be as follows: –
(a) Chief Secretary to the Government or in case the State Government so desires, any other
Secretary of the State Government nominated by him.
(b) Two Military officers. (One of them should not be below the rank of Lt Col or equivalent from
Army, Air Force or Navy). These officers will be detailed as far as possible from the nearest Military
Station and all expenses of TA and DA etc will be borne by the Government of India.
(c) The State Director of Public Institutions or Director of Education or some senior officer
nominated by him.
(d) Where practicable, a member of the State Public Service Commission.
- The result of the viva-voce must be sent in a sealed envelope to the Commandant, RIMC, Dehradun,
immediately after the conduct of viva-voce. The same must also be conveyed by email the same day.
The email id is - Medical Examination. Only the candidates finally selected after the viva-voice only will undergo
a Medical Examination at selected Military Hospitals and only the candidates found medically fit will be
considered for selection and admission to the RIMC. Candidates should not consider themselves selected
until Joining Instruction to this effect is issued and Call Up Notices are sent to them by the College
authorities. - Under no circumstances, any candidate or parents/guardiansirelatives or friends are permitted to
approach any officer in the Service Headquarters or any other person concerned with the selection of the
candidates. Any attempt to do so is liable to result in rejection of the candidate.
FAA febr al he Press Note issued in this connection is enclosed for information. You are
a réqtieste Gpublish he Press Note given with the notification.
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17. Important Dates. Please note the under mentioned dates:-
(a) Press Note by State Government to be published before – 15 Feb 2023.
(b) Last date for acceptance of applications – 15 Apr 2023.
by State Governments
(c) Conduct of written exam – 03 Jun 2023.
(d) Conduct of viva-voce of only those – Dates will be
candidates who qualify the written exam intimated later.
gtd theimeeltof the letter may kindly be acknowledged.
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“oath A 4
- The Rashtriya Indian Military College is a Category ‘A’ Training Establishment of the Ministry of
Defence. The College was established in 1922 with the primary aim of providing quality all round education. - Applications are invited from Boys and Girls for admission to Class VIII in the Rashtriya Indian Military
College (RIMC), Dehradun (UK) for Jan 2024 Term which will be conducted at specified centres of respective
states on 03 Jun 2023 (Saturday). - Entry Age. Candidates appearing for the above test should not be less than 11% years in age and
should not have attained the age of 13 years as on 01 Jan 2024, i.e. they should have been born, not earlier
than 02 Jan 2011 and not later than 01 Jul 2012.
4 Educational Qualification. Candidates should either be studying in Class VII or passed Class VII
from any recognised school at the time of admission to the RIMC, i.e. on 01 Jan 2024.
- Scheme of Examination. The examination comprises of the following:-
(a) Written Examination. The examination in Mathematics (0930-1100hrs), General
Knowledge (1200-1300hrs) and English (1430-1630) shall be conducted on 03 Jun 2023 (Saturday).
(b) Viva-Voce. The date will be intimated later and will be held for only those candidates who
qualify in the written exam. Intelligence, personality and communication skills of the candidates will
be tested in the viva-voce.
(c) Medical Examination. All the candidates qualified after viva-voce will undergo a medical
examination at selected Military Hospitals and only those candidates found medically fit will be
considered for selection and admission to the RIMC. The medical examination of the candidates, forms
only a part of the selection process and does not imply the final selection.
(d) The wards of Central Government employees can take their exam and viva-voce at the place
of posting of employee! domicile state. However, their candidature will be considered from their original
domicile state. It is therefore mandatory to submit the application in the same state where the exam
has to be taken.
(e) Viva-voce will be held for only those candidates who pass the written exam. The list will be
sent to the respective State Governments by RIMC.
(0) Results will be updated on RIMC website It is the candidate’s responsibility
status regularly.
A a ET :
5) ee ~Examination®Centers. Examination centers are generally located in the state capitals or in
ciffes/towns as adverfised)
( Fa
5 A /
7. Fee. The annual fee is Rs. 77500/- for General Candidates and Rs. 63900/- for SC/ST Candidates
except for the first year. The fee structure may be revised periodically. Details of the annual fee for the first year
are as under:-
Ser Type of Candidate Annual Security Total Remarks
No Fee Deposit Fee
(One time in
first term)
(a) | Gen Category Candidates | 77500/- | 30000/- 107500/- Security ~~ Deposit is
refunded when the cadets
graduate from the College.
(b) | SCIST Category Candidates | 63900/- | 30000/- 93900/- -do-
- Procedure to Obtain Application Forms. The Prospectus-cum-Application Form and Booklet of Old
Question Papers can be obtained from The Rashtriya Indian Military College, Garhi Cantt, Dehradun ,
Uttarakhand, Pin- 248003 by following methods:-
(a) Online Payment. By making online payment of Rs 600/- for General Candidates &
Rs. 555/- for SC/ST candidates on RIMC website (on receipt of the payment, the
Prospectus-cum Application Form and Booklet of Old Question Papers will be dispatched by Speed
Post only).
(b) By Demand Draft The Prospectus-cum-Application Form and Booklet of Old Question
Papers can be obtained by sending a written request with a demand draft of Rs 600/- for General
Candidates & Rs 555/- for SC/ST candidates along with caste certificate in favour of “THE
DEHRADUN, (BANK CODE-01576), UTTARAKHAND. The address should be typed/written clearly in
CAPITAL LETTERS with Pin Code and contact number. RIMC will NOT be responsible for any postal
delay or loss in transit of prospectus caused by illegible or incomplete address. The delay on part of
postal department is not the responsibility of RIMC.
- Documents to be Submitted. ~~ Applications are to be submitted in duplicate. The documents which
are required to be attached with Application Form are as under:-
(a) Birth Certificate (issued by Municipal Corporation/Gram Panchayat).
(b) Domicile Certificate of the Candidate.
(c) SC/ST Certificate (where applicable).
(d) A certificate from the Principal of the current school in which the student is studying,
with photograph attested stating the date of birth (as per the school records) and the class in which the
candidate is studying is to be submitted in original.
(e) Photocopy of Aadhar Card of the Candidate (both sides) is a mandatory requirement failing
which application will be rejected.
Pe r— Two passport size photographs.
avd ry ny .
a: on xk +7 Lagt.Ddtasof Submission. Application Form should reach the respective State Governments
s-given In-Guidelines, to Admission) by 15 Apr 2023. Kindly note that Application Form must be sent to
he State Gavelnipe] nd not to the Rashtriya Indian Military College, Dehradun, Uttarakhand.
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12 Lede foIDK Ligle) loheelh lb EIEIO bd EIQ bol Reh Jens Mig lk LES
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IFA ©. 600/- Ud IgA snfa fgfea Seenta Av & sefiean T 555- RASA. A dems
www.rimc.govin ¥ HACE START Heh of UIcdT Heh &| (SFA od gl % 916, Hides 99 HT Herold
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